We will be going before the Board of Health on March 20, 2024 to request a rulemaking hearing regarding the Medical Use of Marijuana rules, 5 CCR 1006-2.
We will be proposing the following changes:
Technical changes to correct formatting, punctuation, and capitalization.
Change the application processing fee to $52.
Additionally, we invite all stakeholders to share their feedback on these proposed changes through this form through February 27.
Stakeholders may also provide feedback and written testimony after the March request for rulemaking.
If you prefer to submit feedback by mail, send it to:
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver, CO 80246
The Board will not be taking any testimony or other stakeholder comments on the proposed rule at the March request, but we invite you to listen to the request. Information on Board of Health meetings can be found on the Board’s webpage.
Rationale for the changes
Technical changes
We identified the need for these technical changes during our rule review. The changes improve readability, but do not change the meaning of the rule.
Increasing the application processing fee
MMR needs to update the fee for two main reasons:
Cover the costs of sustaining the Medical Marijuana Registry program.
Begin building revenue to replace the Medical Marijuana Registry System so that a new system can be implemented in approximately 2030 or 2031.
Our fiscal analysis and research shows that we need to raise the fee to cover the costs of running the Medical Marijuana Registry. When we raised the fee in 2022 our projections showed it was not enough to sustain the program in the long term.
We also need to get ready to replace our aging online registration system. Replacing the system will take several years, and the first step is to generate enough money to pay for it. In order for a new system to be ready in approximately 2030 or 2031, we need to begin building revenue now.
Continue to get information
If the Board of Health grants the request for rulemaking, the rulemaking hearing will occur in May 2024.
If you or other interested parties would like to receive updates about the rulemaking process please subscribe to our stakeholder list.
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