This is a reminder that the Board of Health will conduct a public rulemaking hearing on May 15 to consider amendments to 5 CCR 1006-2, Medical Use of Marijuana. Specifically, the Board will consider increasing the application processing fee by $22.50, which would bring the total application processing fee to $52 effective July 15, 2024, if adopted.
There is still time to provide written testimony or sign up to give oral testimony.
Share written testimony
The Board of Health encourages written testimony as the opportunity to provide oral testimony may be limited. If you would like to provide written testimony, please send it as soon as possible. This gives the Board more time to consider and study your feedback.
Testimony will be accepted if it is received by 5 p.m. on May 9.
The opportunity to provide oral testimony may be limited. If you wish to provide oral testimony at the hearing, please sign up before 5 p.m. on May 14.
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